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Handsome, healthy you.

Hims is about personal wellness. You should look and feel your best all the time. Our job is to make that easy and affordable.

Men are allowed to want to take care of themselves

We hope to enable a conversation that’s currently closeted. Men aren’t supposed to care for themselves. We call bullshit. The people who depend on you and care about you want you to. To do the most good, you must be well.

Medical Advisory Board
Peter Stahl, MD
Peter Stahl, MD
Assistant Professor of Urology and Director of Male Reproductive & Sexual Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH
Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH
Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Brigham & Women's Hospital
Adrian Rawlinson, MD
Adrian Rawlinson, MD
VP Medical Affairs, hims
Justin M Ko, MD MBA
Justin M Ko, MD MBA
Chief, Medical Dermatology, Stanford Health Care; Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
less than 10%

Only 1 in 10 guys feel comfortable talking about their looks and health with their doctor. Turns out that's a pretty big problem when they've got the keys to the cabinet.

Do Your Future Self a Favor

Thanks to Hims, men now have easier, more affordable access to the prescriptions, products and medical advice they need. Especially about the things they find hard to talk about.