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Say ‘bye to those dormant devils.

From those pesky little Cold Sores to keeping it fresh, everyone needs a bit more oral love 😘 We're talking about fast treatments backed by the FDA that bring the baddassery of real medicine.

the suppressor

The Cold Sore Kit

Cold sores: as common as maxing out your credit cards, yet way easier to solve. Valacyclovir is here to make sure this is no longer a stress in your life. No need to let those dormant devils keep you down. Valacyclovir is an antiviral suppressive approved by the FDA to treat herpes simplex, the virus that causes oral cold sores.

Can I get
this at

Unlike what you find over the counter, this is the medical relief that works in 24 hours. No creams, no BS. Real medicine, fast results.

How to take?

Take two pills every 12 hours, or as prescribed by our physicians at checkout.

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