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Our Stem Cell Lab

Manufacturing of therapeutic regenerative cellular and cell-free products requires a wide range of quality control to certify the identity, quality, and safety of the cells.

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Our process

It starts with

Carefully count cells with a state-of-the-art device purchased by Thrive Biologics to deliver our best services and products to our medical professionals and patients. Analyze the cells using a laser-impedance-based biophysical technology machine. Sort cells by targeted biomarkers’ detection. Use a state-of-the-art automated system to count and monitor precisely red blood cells; hemoglobin B; and white blood cells such as T-cells, B-cells, etc. in order to make sure our samples are not contaminated with any red blood cells or granulocytes that can cause body immune rejection and a series of life-threatening emergencies during transplant. Due to our unique technology, we are able to remove 98% to 100% of HGB and red blood cells from the samples.

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Thrive monitors the process precisely via three steps:

As a result, monitors the process precisely via three steps:
1. Use an FDA-approved automated device to determine the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
2. Run multiple assays, which will measure stem cell potency, identity, quality, and integrity.
3. Analyze the cell population by sorting the cells. And more.

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Quality Assurance

Thrive focuses on 3 important elements of quality.

1. Viability of the product (cellular products)
2. Safety of the product
3. Sterility of the product

For medical professionals

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